Atualizado 09/11/19
- Adicionado atalho para travar a câmera.
- Adicionado Auto Drive (piloto automático).
- Movido UnfreezeKO para ShowMoreRaceOptions
- Movido ShowMorePaintTypes para ShowMoreCustomizationOptions.
- Adicionado opção de mostrar o Debug Event ID na tela de seleção de pista no Quick Race (corrida rápida).
- Adicionado opção de poder mostrar nomes de perfil mais longos.
- Corrigido o uso de palavras Headlights e HeadLights.
- Restaurado opções de adesivos no capô e neon na cabine. (ative o ShowMoreCustomizationOptions).
- Adicionado uma opção para pular vídeos.
- Adicionado uma opção para deixar o usuário executar várias instâncias do jogo ao mesmo tempo.
- Adicionado uma opção para mudar o NOS Trail Repeat Count (limite de repetição do efeito de rastro no nitro?).
- O destravamento de carros de outras regiões (Unlock Regional Cars) agora checam se eles existem (ou seja, não causará crash caso você não tenha instalado os carros PEUGOT106 e CORSA).
A prova de que o modding no NFS está vivo!
Lembra o
MixSets que eu (Junior_Djjr) fiz para o GTA SA: Um mod montado por uma pessoa mas com a ajuda de toda a comunidade. Um “pack” de configurações configurados por um .ini, além de funções controladas por comandos. (até o .ini dele é igual)
Já é facilmente — e de longe — o maior mod de código para NFSU2 do mundo!
(Todas as opções podem ser editadas a partir de um arquivo .ini)
Clique para ver a lista de funções (inglês)
+ (New!) Freeze Camera
> You caught a nice angle and don’t want to lose it? Press Scroll Lock and it will lock the camera for you!
+ (New!) Auto Drive
> Press F6 and your car will go on its own.
+ (New!) Show More Customization Options
> You can Use Powder Coat and High Heat in Body Paint to have nicer colours!
> You can apply decals on your stock hoods! (Restored game feature)
> You can apply cabin neon on your car! (Restored game feature)
> You can apply cut Oasis and Advan (Yokohama) rims on your car!
+ (New!) Show Event ID
> If you are having a hard time to find the event you are looking for, enable this option and the game will tell its ID on upper right corner!
+ (New!) Longer Profile Names
> Instead of the standard 7, you can now have up to 15 characters in your profile names.
> We also enabled the use of special characters in them!
! Don’t use “DVD” or “Magazine” in your profile names. They are excluded from the profile list to prevent collision with DVD and Magazine covers.
! Don’t use any character which isn’t allowed in File/Folder names on Windows. Or else, you will be unable to save your profile.
+ (New!) Skip Movies
> You can now skip Movies if they are too long for you!
+ (New!) Multiple Instances
> You can now multiple instances of the game at the same time, without needing to copy the executable several times!
> This may be useful if you are trying to replicate cars in your other save games and stuff.
+ (New!) NOS Trail Repeat Count
> You don’t want to see stretching taillight glows while hitting NOS? Now it’s possible!
+ Lap and Opponent Controllers
– You can have from 0 (which makes the race unlimited) to 127 (Really long races) laps.
> Maximum opponents are now limited with 5 instead of 3. (More than 6 players will crash the game.)
! These options are valid for LAN races, too.
+ Change Maximum Drift Multiplier
> The default value was x5. You can boost it up to x9, or use x1 for more challenging drift races.
! Now with this hack, static drift scores in Heights Drift races are multiplied with Multiplier/5 (1.8 for x9) to balance them with you.
> You can also tweak how your score will look like. Add a + before it, or show it without multiplying.
+ Hide Online from Main Menu
> This option won’t have any function until a wild NFSU2 server emulator appears. So, you can remove it from the menu.
+ Show Outrun Mode in Quick Race Menu
> Your 1vs1 game mode from Career and LAN is now available in Quick Race.
! But with some issues: Screen will stay black, it isn’t even split. And you control 2 cars at the same time.
! You can fix the black screen using ‘ExperimentalSplitScreenFix’ option in [Fixes] section.
+ Enable Track Selection for Free Run and Outrun
> They have a very long list! Just try it.
> No more random tracks for Outrun game mode!
+ Play Any Track in Any Race Mode
> Drift in your favourite track, or make a free roam Drag!
> This option will also add hidden tracks in menus.
> You can enable or disable it anytime, just press “End” before selecting a race mode!
! This will make the list too long. After some races, icons won’t scroll. But you can select a race safely.
! If you select a Sprint Drift (Heights Drifts) for another game mode, your game will crash when you finish the race.
+ Show Special Vinyl Category
> Debug vinyl and sponsor vinyls; just go install them from the Vinyls menu.
! Some vinyls don’t work for some cars.
+ Change Splash Screen Time Limit
> 30 seconds aren’t enough? Make it a minute, an hour, maybe a day!
+ Use Drift Camera Angle Everywhere
> Birds eye free roam? Yeah, it’s here!
+ Unlock Region Specific Cars
> You can drive Peugeout 106 & Vauxhall Corsa in your NTSC game. Same deal with Acura RSX & Honda Civic in your PAL game.
> They will be available at Customize Menu and Career Car Lot.
> They also appear as AI opponents.
! You need to have files for these cars. You can get them here (Thanks to 379Felipe) :!MEA3zI4S!qaHxSggw_n_zjzSUKmiVn5Xf0rTpOsjvUueA5GPw-hI
+ Unlock All Things
> This will unlock everything in game. Like a season pass, but it’s for FREE!
> You can enable or disable it anytime, just press “F5”!
+ Remove Barriers
> Locked area barriers or route indicators, remove if you don’t want them!
! This hack will be disabled for Drift, StreetX and URL tracks to fix invisible walls bug.
+ Change Neon Brightness
> Are that neons too bright for you? You can dim them.
+ Carbon-Styled Race Progress
> No more LAPS 1/1! You’ll see % progress on 1-lap races now.
+ Enable subtitles for English!
> You want to know what they talk about, but you can’t understand what do they say? This is for you!
! Some subtitles are buggy, because of their cut strings.
+ Fixed “Please insert disc 2.” bug for PCs without optical drives.
> The game wants you to insert the disc even with a No-DVD crack? Now it’s fixed, just run the game!
+ Toggle Headlights
> Off, Low Beam or High Beam. However you want.
! You can also change brightness for each setting.
+ Show More Race Options
> It will let you enable AI opponents in Sprint Drift (Heights Drift) races.
> You can also disable fixed lap and opponent counts for Lap KO enabled races.
+ Save/Load Hot Position
> You can save your place in the world and teleport it when you want.
> Press ‘LShift + 1’ to save, ‘LCtrl + 1’ to load.
> Hot positions are stored in “” file. You can open it with any text editor.
! Files will be different for each game world, so you can’t teleport yourself to airport while in Drift track.
+ Show Debug Car Customize
> Select any car in customize menu and select the latest option.
+ Garage Camera Hacks
> You can now scroll the camera infintely in Y axis. Just hold your middle click and drag up/down.
+ Debug Camera
> Press ‘L’ to switch between modes.
> Modes and their controls are listed below. (Thanks to Xan1242)
– NUMPAD 8, 2, 4, 6 – look down, up, left, right
– [, ] – watch traffic / racer car
– NUMPAD 8, 2, 4, 6 – look down, up, left, right
– NUMPAD 1, 3 – move forwards and backwards
– NUMPAD 9, 7 – move up and down
– [, ] – strafe left and right
– 5 – summon player car at camera’s position
– disabled, no controls are available
– broken, missing UI
+ Game Speed
> Set game speed!
! It doesn’t affect menus.
! Too low and high values will corrupt car physics and control responsiveness.
+ World Animation Speed
> Those trees are waving so fast? Try this option!
! Fixed a bug that stops animations when you disable VSync.
+ Game Region
> You can’t play with your European friends? Just change your game region code to anything else.
! It may change your cars’ frontend information. (Logos and names)
+ Starting Cash
> Start with a specified amount of cash. Get rich easily from the start!
+ Weather Options
> Open the .ini file and go to the [Weather] section. Set it as you like!
+ Disappearing Wheels Fix
> You can use open-wheel cars now! Disappearing wheels issue is fixed.
+ Outrun Black Screen Fix
> It’s experimental and doesn’t fix any race behaviour. Use with ‘ShowOutrun’ option in [Menu] section.
+ Windowed Mode
> Run the game in a window instead of full screen. Bordered or borderless options are available.
+ Disable Sound/Music
> Mute any game sound, just with 2 ini options.
Vídeos mostrando novidades:
Build 4
Build 3:
Build 2:
Algumas das funções:
Drag em qualquer pista?? Vocês precisam ver como fica legal!
(pena que eles batem caso carros muito rápidos e pistas com muitas curvas)
Drift em qualquer pista?? Agora você poderá driftar a 300 km/h!
Infelizmente os oponentes são muito fáceis, mas jogar online deve ser incrível, mas sempre ótimo para jogar sozinho.
A legendas em inglês podem ser reativadas no jogo.
Correndo numa pista beta com um Corsa, carro extra!
Aparentemente o Street X seria assim, mostrado no ícone do Street X do NFSU2 Demo.
Esta pista está praticamente vazia, também útil para online ou testar os carros (testar velocidade máxima etc), há um oval estilo Nascar.
Free Roam no Dyno com um Peugeot 106 (mais um carro extra da versão européia do jogo)
Para entrar no dyno como corrida, selecione uma pista após a “Pista de Bayview 5” (lá quase no fim da lista)
Ter crashes ao tentar selecionar pistas não utilizadas é normal, já que você estará colocando o jogo num nível inesperado.
Abram e leiam o .ini para adicionar/remover coisas que você quer/não quer. O mod já vem pronto para uso.
Necessário: Ultimate Asi Loader
Autor: nlgzrgn